Permaculture Consultations

I (Raina) am now offering small scale permaculture consultations.  I'm passionate about supporting you on your journey to greater food sovereignty and sacred relationship to the land in a changing climate.  I can guide you as you move towards the creation of a resilient system that feeds the Earth, your family and your soul.   

My consultations typically consist of a phone conversation before a 1-1.5hr site visit, followed by a list of action items and links/connections to resources that will support your unique needs for your property and vision. Ideas are generated and further steps discussed. You take this initial assessment with ideas as guidance for your own work and we can suggest or connect you with local landscapers, to help you implement your project.  

While hand drawn designs can be part of this consult service, my focus is on inspiring our clients to observe and interact with their surroundings, encouraging a creative and ever-evolving process, rather than delivering a specific design to impose on the land.  Special attention is given to native species and learning about what is already growing within an ecosystem.    

My rate begins at $300 with additional mileage rates applied for site visits outside of our region.  This base rate includes conversation, site visit and follow up which results in 5 hours of our time dedicated to your project.  

I also occasionally work as part of a team of amazing individuals with diverse background. We specialize in supporting non profits, schools and small businesses ready to dive into the creation and fostering of resilient food systems and pollinator gardens. 

To find out if this process is for you or to book your consultation, email raina.mcdonald(at)  

Mandy & Raina have partnered on several offerings over the years where thier unique experiences and passions complement one another's.  From a recent participant in their online Backyard Food Forest Series:

" Amazing session you two!  You each collaborate brilliantly and bring so much integrated knowledge and wisdom and experience!  I am left inspired, more confident and passionate to make all this tangible on my land!"